

Thursday, April 24, 2014

200 girls are missing in Nigeria – so why doesn't anybody care?

Every morning for a week the news has been dominated by the South Korean ferry tragedy. The terrible grief of the parents, the shocking response of the crew to the unfolding disaster, and the inexorably rising body count.Two days before the South Korean students boarded their ferry for a study trip to the nearby island of Jeju, terrorists broke into a girls' school in Chibok, in the remote state of Borno, in north-eastern Nigeria. They shot guards and abducted about 200 students, who were loaded into trucks and, it seems, taken off into the forest. Two groups of the girls, perhaps 30 in all, managed to escape. The rest have simply disappeared.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Boko Haram leader claims bombing, stays mum on kidnapped schoolgirls

  • The Boko Haram's elusive leader claimed responsibility for a bombing in Nigeria's capital of Abuja that left dozens dead, but said nothing about the group's reported mass abduction of school girls that took place the same day as the burst. about 129 girls were kidnap , 84 still with there and 45 are released already according to a source.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Nigeria becomes Africa's largest economy

Nigeria has overtaken South Africa as Africa's largest economy after doubling its gross domestic product to more than $500bn, data from the statistics office showed. Nigeria as  Africa's most populous country with 170 million people, has been growing as an investment destination owing to the size of its consumer market and growing capital markets for years .Despite its rapid  growth of recent years and now a bigger GDP, Nigeria still following  South Africa in basic infrastructure - power and roads - which are needed to take people out of  people out of poverty.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Nigeria's President Criticizes Northeast Governors

President Goodluck Jonathan blamed governors in Nigeria's northeastern states for the country's Islamic uprising, saying their failure to provide social services created more room for the killers of  more than 1,000 people so far this year, Jonathan lashed out at the governors, all from the opposition, at a rally in northern Bauchi state on Saturday. Governors also have suggested the violence is intended to weaken the northern vote ahead of February 2015 elections in which Jonathan's party faces its stiffest opposition since winning power in 1999 elections that ended decades of military dictatorship. Most northerners are Muslims and Jonathan is a Christian from the south. I guess the next in election will be a political wall in Nigeria.