

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Article 1 - Dencia attacks Lupita

Cameroonian pop star Dencia took to her Twitter account on March 1 to express her distaste for the stirring speech Nyong’o gave at the 214 Essence Black Women In Hollywood event on Feb. 27.
In her speech, the actress shared her thoughts on beauty and race. Nyong’o also read a portion of a letter she received from a dark-skinned girl who revealed she was inspired by Nyong’o to love her skin tone and not buy Whitenicious skin bleaching cream to lighten it. Nyong’o told the crowd that the letter reminded her of “a time when I too felt unbeautiful” and how witnessing the monumental success of supermodel Alek Wek helped her finally see the beauty of her skin tone.  

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